Cómo cuidar las almohadillas de tu perro

How to take care of your dog's pads

The heat this year has been a little ahead of us... Learn to take care of your pads! 🐾

Cement and roads raise their temperature a lot in summer, becoming a danger for our pets‼️

Although they are common sense, we want to give you some advice to avoid burns, cracks and sores caused by the heat on the pavements of cities:

🐾Plan your walks well so that they are through garden and non-paved areas, avoiding of course the worst hours of heat.

🐾Take advantage of water sources and other wet areas to moisten your dog's pads.

🐾Use protective pads creams. Keeping them hydrated is a great help to avoid cracking or sores. Ask your vet, and never apply human cream, as our Ph is different.

🐾Finally, you can choose to put dog boots on it, although not everyone will tolerate wearing them. It's a very personal decision.

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